Happy Hogmanay! Or Happy New Years to anyone outside of Scotland!
2023 was a complicated year for me (as all of the last 4 years have been) I turned 30, I grieved, I travelled, I continued to muddle my way through putting roots down in Melbourne, I made new friends and missed my old ones. I don’t usually put too much emphasis on starting my new year any particular way. I am still getting used to starting it in the middle of summer, as you do in Australia. I find myself reluctantly pulled from holiday mode rather than jumping in.
Last year I told myself I would take a softer approach to myself and my business. However this coincided with a downward swing in the economy. Sales slowed and even halted for weeks on end, I felt like a failure. I would have waves of positivity that would crumble with every ‘failed’ venture or idea which really knocked my confidence. I had been feeling that maybe I had lost my design flair or people were bored of what I had to offer. Although logically I can see that all small businesses are struggling at the moment, it can be so difficult to see the larger perspective when you just work on your own.
I have decided that this year I am starting out in a proactive way, trying to plan out my goals and set realistic milestones for myself and my business. I am hoping that by starting off organised it will allow time for my creativity to flex and have fun creating again. To help keep me accountable I offer up my goals for 2024 as well as what I am most proud of this past year!
In 2023 I am most proud of…
Learning to tap dance!
Enjoying turning 30
New SQUINT stockists
Making new friends
Not giving up on my business
In 2024 I hope to…
Release a new collection (or 2!)
Pursue more stockists
Be a part of more in person events
Embrace new ways of marketing and try to enjoy it
Improve my plus size offering
Thanks for sticking with me, I hope your 2024 brings you joy and contentment.
Love, Ellie